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PK Toh


Department:     Management

Research Areas:     Strategic Management

Puay PK Toh headshot


PK Toh is a professor of management at The University of Texas at Austin’s McCombs School of Business. He studies technology strategy, including value creation and appropriation in platforms and ecosystems; standard setting as a coordination mechanism; firm search for technologies; competition and innovation; and resource allocation.

A senior editor at Organization Science from 2017 to 2022, Toh is currently on the editorial boards of Strategic Management Journal, Strategy Science, and Strategic Organization. His research has been published in leading academic journals and has won several prestigious awards. He has also won multiple Best Reviewer awards and teaching awards. 

Toh has served as chair, organizer, or panelist in various conferences, junior faculty consortia, Ph.D. dissertation and doctoral consortia, and research committees. At UT, he serves as the strategy area coordinator and on several school-level and department-level committees. Prior to his academic career, he was a currency options trader at J.P. Morgan.

Toh earned a Ph.D. in strategy from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Besides academic qualification, he has two advanced piano performance diplomas – Licentiate and Fellowship of the Trinity College of London.



Houston MBA Class of 2022 McCombs Amplifier Award for Diversity and Inclusion


EMBA Class of 2020 McCombs Amplify Award for Diversity and Inclusion


Distinguished Paper Award, STR Division, Academy of Management 2018.


Strategic Management Journal Outstanding Reviewer Award 2017


Strategic Management Journal Outstanding Reviewer Award 2016


Academy of Management Best Paper Award

PK Toh, and Eugene Pyun. Apr 2024.
Risky Business: How Standardization as Coordination Tool in Ecosystems Impacts Firm-Level Uncertainty.
Strategic Management Journal 45(4): 649-679.

Ren-Raw Chen, Cameron D. Miller, and Puah Khoon Toh. Nov 2023.
Search on a NK Landscape with Swarm Intelligence: Limitations and Future Research Opportunities.
Algorithms 16(11): 527.

Ren-Raw Chen, Cameron Miller, and P.K. Toh. 2023. Modeling Firm Search and Innovation Trajectory Using SWARM Intelligence. Algorithms 16(2): 72.

PK Toh and S. Agarwal. 2023. The Option Value in Complements Within Platform-Based Ecosystems. Strategic Management Journal 44 (2), 576-609.

PK Toh and G. Ahuja. June 2022. Integration and Appropriability: A Study of Process and Product Components Within a Firm's Innovation Portfolio. Strategic Management Journal 43 (6), 1075-1109.

C.D. Miller and PK Toh. March 2022. Complementary Components and Returns from Coordination Within Ecosystems Via Standard Setting. Strategic Management Journal 43 (3), 627-662.

V. Tandon and PK Toh. April 2022. Who Deviates? Technological Opportunities, Career Concern, and Inventor's Distant Search. Strategic Management Journal 43 (4), 724-757.

M. Ganco, C.D. Miller, and PK Toh. 2020. From Litigation to Innovation: Firms’ Ability to Litigate and Technological Diversification Through Human Capital. Strategic Management Journal 41 (13), 2436-2473.

C.D. Miller and PK Toh. July 2018. Complementary Technologies and Returns to Disclosure during Standard Setting. Proceedings of the Academy of Management 2018 (1).

PK Toh and F. Polidoro. 2013. A Competition-Based Explanation of Collaborative Invention with the Firm. Strategic Management Journal 34 (10), 1186-1208.

PK Toh. November 2013. The Paradox of Collaboration in Inventive Activities. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2013 (1), 10847-10847.

Francisco Polidoro and PK Toh. April 2011. Letting Rivals Come Close or Warding Them Off? The Effects of Substitution Threat on Imitation Deterrence. Academy of Management Journal 54 (2), 369-392.

G. Clarkson and PK Toh. 2010. 'Keep Out' Signs: The Role of Deterrence in the Competition for Resources. Strategic Management Journal 31 (11), 1202-1225.

PK Toh. 2008. The Mutually-Reinforcing Interrelationship Between Organization Structure and Firm Resource. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings 208 (1).

PK Toh and Gautam Ahuja. 2005. "Innovations," "Radical Innovations," and "Disruptive Innovations" [three entries], in The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management -- Entrepreneurship, M. A. Hitt and R. D. Ireland, eds.